Friday, November 20, 2015


My blog has been out of commission for days and days but my wonderful computer helper as me back at work. Now where was I? Over the lazy days of summer I have neglected everything including my book, "Lady Mary and Murder on the Canal Boat." However, it is coming along. I have 45,000 words and I can see the end approaching.

I do hope you have been buying my romance novels. Here they are again to jog your memory and your wallet. They are available as e-books and are really cheap!

A VERY DIFFICULT MAN (Historical romance,when a young lady is hired to read to him! He does not want her and does his best to get rid of her. Throws books at her!)

ISABELLE'S DIARY, ( Contemporary with a ghost and link to the past. A modern romance to keep you turning the pages)

 RING AROUND THE MOON (A time travel romance he comes from the past to the present time.
she's an American who has rented a cottage in Cornwall, England. A man from two hundred years in the past! An artist. He has no modern documentation, how can he survive? Falling in love helps.)

ISABELLE'S STORY (historical - linked with ISABELLE'S DIARY  (did she really come as a ghost to the present time? Why? Read how she almost died on a desolate moor)

TOO YOUNG TO DIE  (a nanny has a three month old baby to care for but international thieves have murdered the baby's parent and now search for the nanny. She has knowledge they must have and will stop for nothing)

I am close to finishing my mystery which is the beginning of a series with Lady Mary, A quiet but determined solver of mysteries - with help from the police. She seems to stumble into problems, like fining a dead body. I'll let you know when I finished and polish my book.

In the meantime, life goes and I age. I don't have the writing energy I used to have so sitting and writing means setting aside an hour or two a a day to write. My husband is no longer with me. I miss  his quiet encouragement.

I'll be back soon now I have my blog up and running.

Anita Birt

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